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  Frequently Asked Questions Monday, 17 February 2025

Browser/Display Issues
What browser do I need to view DreamMotor.com pages?
What is the best resolution or display to view DreamMotor.com ?
Automotive Issues
How can I get my auto advertised on DreamMotor.com?
How do I edit my auto information?
Where can I view my submission?
Can I place a photo in my ads?
How long can I place my ads in DreamMotor.com?
Miscellaneous Issues
How can I get definitions of automotive terms I run across?
Why do I get JavaScript error?
Any Tips of Maintaining/Buy/Sell Vehicles?
Financial Issues
How do I know whether I can afford to buy a car or not?
How can I calculate my car loan from this site?
Do you provide any references on Finance and Insurance Agents?
Virtual Expo Issues
Can anyone register for a DreamMotor.com event?
What kind of confirmation will I receive after registration?
How do I edit/add my exhibition details and product?
auto refers to vehicles/accessories/parts/services & repairs.

What browser do I need to view DreamMotor.com pages?

DreamMotor.com is designed to accommodate up-to-date versions of the major browser,including version 4.0 and above of Microsoft Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator.

What is the best resolution or display to view DreamMotor.com?

DreamMotor.com is best viewed with 256 colour palatte in either 1024 x 768 mode or 800 x 600 mode.

How can I get my car advertised on DreamMotor.com?

Currently the only way for a public seller to advertise on DreamMotor.com is to register as a member with DreamMotor.com. Register by filling out the online form and submit your auto details, totally free. For a private seller (i.e. auto dealer) to advertise on DreamMotor.com, click on Dealer Network for more details.

How do I edit my car information?

There are 2 ways to do this. A public seller can directly log in from Sell Vehicle Online on the front page by keying in your LoginID and password. For a private seller, you can log in from Vehicle Dealer Login.

Where can I view my submission?

You can view your ad through the search on the front page.

Can I place a photo in my ads?

Yes & No. Yes if you are a private seller. No if you are a public seller.

How long can I place my ads in DreamMotor.com?

For a public seller, you can place your ads within 30 days effective from the date you registered as a DreamMotor.com member. If you are a private seller, you can place your ads as long as you can.

How can I get definitions of automotive terms I run across?

You can click on Auto Terminology from Home Menu to get the terms that you do not understand.

Why do I get javascript error?

This means you have an older browser that does not fully support JavaScript. The supported browsers that execute our script are Microsoft Internet Explorer and Netscape version 4.0 and above.

Any Tips of Maintaining/Buying/Selling Vehicles?

Yes. DreamMotor.com provides a list of tips for you as to how to maintain and take car of your vehicle, as well as how to buy and sell them. Click here for the tips.

How do I know whether I can afford to buy a car or not?

You can check your financial status by clicking on Affordability Calculator from the Finance Menu.

How can I calculate my car loan from this site?

You can calculate your car loan by clicking on Loan Calculator from the Finance Menu.

Do you provide any references on Finance and Insurance Agents?

We provide a list of service agents' information for you to locate them. You can contact your nearest Finance Agents or Insurance Agents for advice and services.

Can anyone register for a DreamMotor.com event?

All DreamMotor.com events are strictly business-to-business events for automotive dealers. For more information on how to become a Virtual Expo Dealer,click VRDealer Section.

Can anyone register for a DreamMotor.com Event?

You will receive an email confirmation with security information such as password. If you require any subsequent information or assistance, please contact inquiry@dreammotor.com.

How do I edit/add my exhibition details and products?

You can directly log in from VRExpo Dealer Login using the password and loginID provided by DreamMotor.com administrator. Once you have logged in, you can add, edit or preview your exhibition details.

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